The WAF Puerto Rico Chapter is supporting their community!

The Women’s Advisory Forum is proud of the charitable work our Puerto Rico WAF Chapter has shown their local community this past Saturday, January 18, 2020. January 7, 2020, Puerto Rico was rocked by a 6.4 magnitude earthquake. The whole island ran out of electricity for a few days and aftershocks are still sending [...]

2020-02-15T18:15:12-05:00January 23, 2020|Articles, News and Events, San Juan Chapter News, Uncategorized, WAF Member News|Comments Off on The WAF Puerto Rico Chapter is supporting their community!


NATIONAL WEAR RED DAY FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2020 Let’s Unite to prevent heart disease and stroke by wearing RED to spread awareness. Join us as the nation comes together igniting a wave of RED from coast to coast. From landmarks to news anchors and neighborhoods to online communities; this annual groundswell unites millions of people [...]

2020-02-15T18:25:22-05:00January 23, 2020|Articles, News and Events, WAF Member News|Comments Off on NATIONAL WEAR RED DAY

WAF Monthly Themes for the Year 2020

Each month in 2020 is going to be dedicated to a leadership theme/virtue. Our goal is to create a clear vision of WAF’s mission to advance an environment of inclusion that ensures that the most talented and innovative SP+ professionals have the necessary resources and opportunities to contribute to the company’s future growth. As a [...]

2019-12-16T17:20:23-05:00December 16, 2019|WAF Member News|Comments Off on WAF Monthly Themes for the Year 2020

New Forum Members

The Women's Advisory Forum welcomes new Forum Members: Natasha Labi, Ritu Vig, and Shannon Singer. They will provide key insight and help continue the mission of the Women's Advisory Forum. Natasha Labi – Regional Manager, Municipal Services Natasha Labi has been a parking professional for 25+ years. She is CAPP [...]

2019-09-12T16:09:17-04:00June 6, 2019|WAF Member News|Comments Off on New Forum Members
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