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In this Jam Session, we will share how feedback will improve the quality of our work, strengthen the relationships between the people we work with, and help us identify blind spots.

WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER THROUGH THIS LINK https://airtable.com/shrThELW8of9R5W0O?prefill_Company=SP%20Plus&prefill_Jam%20Session=Feedback%20is%20my%20Favorite%20F-Word

Giving and receiving feedback is a vital life skill and essential tool to career growth. In this Jam Session, we will share how feedback will improve the quality of our work, strengthen the relationships between the people we work with, and help us identify blind spots so we can have self-awareness and grow in our careers.

Marta Voda, People Advisor, Recruiting Exec, Performance Coach | Startups, Digital, Entertainment, AI, FinTech – SF, LA, NYC

Head of Talent – VideoAmp || Founder – SaintMaven

WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER THROUGH THIS LINK https://airtable.com/shrThELW8of9R5W0O?prefill_Company=SP%20Plus&prefill_Jam%20Session=Feedback%20is%20my%20Favorite%20F-Word

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