March Virtual Coffee: “Mentorship” with Karen Garrison and Alice Peterson

WAF Coffee Talk Join guest speakers Karen Garrison & Alice Peterson as they discuss the benefits of mentorship with moderators Nicole Hankins & Ritu Vig.   Alice Petersons Bio Karen Garrison's Bio   Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 950 7405 2100 Passcode: 095658 One tap mobile +13462487799,,95074052100#,,,,*095658# US (Houston) +12532158782,,95074052100#,,,,*095658# US (Tacoma) Dial by [...]

2021-05-06T13:52:09-04:00March 16, 2021||Comments Off on March Virtual Coffee: “Mentorship” with Karen Garrison and Alice Peterson

Finding Your Path to Power and Authentic Leadership

Join us for a webinar hosted by Tatiana Dudyez, where she'll help you unleash a new path to power as a high-achieving woman. She'll teach us how women can become even more authentically powerful leaders, in business & in life, from a place of unapologetic grace & truth. ​Tatiana Dudyez is a fiery businesswoman, passionate [...]

VP of SP+ Healthcare Services Visits WAF Atlanta Chapter

Andrea Oser, Vice President of SP+ Healthcare Services and WAF member, recently visited Atlanta for three days to introduce our company’s services and innovations for healthcare clients. During her stay, she also met with the Atlanta WAF chapter, and was excited to learn about the group’s dedication to WAF initiatives. Andrea, “I was excited to [...]

2019-01-23T20:13:23-05:00January 23, 2019|News and Events|Comments Off on VP of SP+ Healthcare Services Visits WAF Atlanta Chapter
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