Event: Skill-Building Workshop – Making Presentations Pop
February 16, 2018 @ 11:30 am - 1:30 pm MST
Inspire audiences to take action. Lisa Zuba shares her time-tested presentation-preparation system that will make your next presentation memorable.
We’ve all been there… stuck in a presentation that’s a recitation of someone’s Powerpoint slides…or having to listen to a monotone speaker drone on and on without regard to the audience. These types of presentations leave the audience with a poor perception of the speaker, and can sap your own confidence as a speaker and expert in your field.
Would you enjoy feeling more confident when giving a presentation? Would you like people to come up to you after a presentation and say, “Wow that was great! I learned so much from your talk.” Whether you’re speaking in front of 5 or 500 hundred people, Making Presentations Pop, will help increase your confidence and provide you with skills to give an exciting presentation.
In Making Presentations Pop you’ll get:
- Confidence to speak in front of a variety of groups . . . from 5 to 500.
- Strategies to begin and end your presentation so that you can maintain the rapt attention of your audience.
- Skills to create a well-organized presentation.
- Tips on how to reduce filler words, like uh, so, um, to streamline your delivery.
- Ideas on how to speak your audience’s language.
- Methods to incorporate audio & visual aids that won’t interfere with your delivery.
Given in a workshop model, Making Presentations Pop offers participants hands-on exercises and handouts so you can leave armed with your new skills and ready to receive applause.
lunch and networking: 11:30am – noon
workshop: noon – 1:30 PM
Interested In Attending?
Please email wafinformation@spplus.com bye Thursday 2/8 with your name, title, location and name of event to be considered. Limited spaces available.
Event Hosted by: Ellevate Network