Last Day To Register! Webinar – The Art of Feedback

Hesitant to give feedback in reports? Join DRIVEN’s December 21st webinar, to see how feedback is so crucial to job performance, and advise you on reframing the interaction as beneficial. Webinar on December 21 Essential to the career maximization of your reports is maintaining an accurate assessment of each individual’s progress by perpetually identifying areas [...]

Webinar: The Art of Feedback

Hesitant to give feedback in reports? Join DRIVEN’s December 21st webinar, to see how feedback is so crucial to job performance, and advise you on reframing the interaction as beneficial. Signup by Wed. Dec. 12.  Email to register Essential to the career maximization of your reports is maintaining an accurate assessment of each individual’s [...]

WEBINAR: Beyond Confidence: The Roadmap to Releasing Yourself from Impostor Syndrome


Learn how to release the Impostor Syndrome that's holding you back Everyone wants to live a life of authenticity, fulfillment and emotional freedom, but that is easier said than done. In the world we live in, over 70% of women experience self-doubt, feelings of fraudulence and related stress that holds them back from reaching their [...]

WEBINAR: The Top Three Ways to Build Resilience in the New Year


In this Jam Session, we'll explore the top three ways to build resilience in the New Year and how you can set yourself up for 2019 to be your best year yet. ALL WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER AT: In this Jam Session, we'll explore the top three ways to build resilience in the New [...]

WAF ATL Luncheon – Parking & Transportation Association of Georgia

WAF Atlanta Luncheon. Parking & Transportation Association's Diane Hale, President and Director of Parking and Access Services for the Georgia Building Authority, will be the guest speaker.  Two WAF-Atlanta members will be selected to give the opening and closing remarks of the event to practice their public speaking skills. WAF Atlanta Chapter Members, please contact [...]

WEBINAR: Work Travel & Family – How to Manage (and Thrive) When You Have to Be Away


This Jam Session will share real-world tips on how to make work-travel work with a family. ALL WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER AT: For eight years, my job required me to travel 25-30% of the time, unusually to far-flung destinations. During that time, I had a baby, followed by a second one, but I loved [...]

How to Network and Build Relationships as an Introvert


We are going to walk you through a step-by-step guide on how to effectively network as an introvert and build relationships. ALL WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER AT: Are you shy, but want others to notice you? Do you sometimes get lost in the crowd, but you want to stand out? Do you fear or [...]

WEBINAR: Health and Fitness For The Professional Woman on The Go


In this Jam Session, we'll learn how to maintain and prioritize our health and fitness alongside our busy careers. WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER BY EMAILING LDIVINCENZO@SPPLUS.COM As professional woman, you're constantly, "On The Go". You're pressed for time as everything was due yesterday. You also want to look and feel your best, however, with a [...]

WEBINAR: Women, Money, and Power: A Conversation with Kathleen Burns Kingsbury

In this Jam Session, we'll learn about why the cost of money silence is especially high for women, how it negatively impacts couples and families, and more. WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER USING THIS LINK: Despite women’s rising economic power, gender financial discrimination still exists. The gender wage gap, the lack of funding for women entrepreneurs, [...]