WEBINAR: F.L.O.W.: Take a Mid Year Power Pause

In this Jam Session, gain insight on how to best focus your time, energy, money, team, for the rest of the year. WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER AT https://bit.ly/2K2ocBp Wise women leaders know to take a personal leadership retreat at the mid year point to reflect and re-focus on their professional goals. Happy and healthy women [...]

WEBINAR: Feedback is my Favorite F-Word

In this Jam Session, we will share how feedback will improve the quality of our work, strengthen the relationships between the people we work with, and help us identify blind spots. WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER THROUGH THIS LINK https://airtable.com/shrThELW8of9R5W0O?prefill_Company=SP%20Plus&prefill_Jam%20Session=Feedback%20is%20my%20Favorite%20F-Word Giving and receiving feedback is a vital life skill and essential tool to career growth. In [...]

WEBINAR: Conflict Management Strategies You Never Considered

This Jam Session highlights how you can be your best-self, even when facing stressful, difficult challenges or personalities. WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER AT https://bit.ly/2MuGpJS This Jam Session highlights how you can be your best-self, even when facing stressful, difficult challenges or personalities. We consider a broad spectrum of skills and tools that help reframe your [...]

WEBINAR: Banish Your Imposter Syndrome: The Top Five Hacks

In this Jam Session, we'll learn more about Joanne's research on confidence and how women struggle with this often, and the five simple and effective ways to build your personal courage. WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER AT https://bit.ly/2ESkZQr Based on Joanne’s proprietary research that involved over 100 phone interviews with fabulous women working in STEM at [...]

WEBINAR: The 5 Essential Pillars to Creating a Healthy Body and Lifestyle

Join us on this Jam Session, where we'll learn about the 5 essential pillars to healing your body and creating a healthy lifestyle. WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER AT https://bit.ly/2WQfsEn We all now live in a world that’s highly stressed, pressured and fast-paced with higher occurrence of disease. Feeling constantly tired, fatigued and getting diagnosed with [...]

WEBINAR: Wealth Attraction Workshop: Remove Your Upper Limits and Manifest More Income, Clients, and Wealth in Your Biz and Career

In this Jam Session workshop, you’ll understand what your biggest money blocks are, and how to move through them in order to create more income and money in your biz and career. WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER AT https://bit.ly/2XwwQz2 During this experiential and dynamic Jam Session, you’ll understand what your biggest money blocks are, and how [...]

WEBINAR: A Provocative and Necessary Conversation on Personal Development

In this Jam Session, we will dig into 1) What IS personal development? 2) What is requisite to do the work, and finally: 3) Why this work is non-negotiable to show up powerfully in your careers. WAF MEMBERS CAN REGISTER AT https://bit.ly/2IoDhKk In this Jam Session, we will dig into 1) What IS personal development? [...]

Burnout, Balance, Bliss: Becoming Aligned to Your Authentic Self

In this webinar, Kim Dobrin will share some of her personal experiences and discuss the issue of burnout, and she'll present a roadmap of solutions to get you to your desired destination. Kim Dobrin is the Co-Founder/CEO of With Love From Freddie LLC. She has had a successful international career for over 28 years and [...]


The Art of Negotiation for Boss Women

Join us for a webinar with Dr. Ndidiamaka Amutah-Onukagha. Dr. Amutah-Onukagha is a trained workshop facilitator and has coached numerous women in the art of negotiation, resulting in better starting salaries, more robust benefits packages, and higher job satisfaction. Additionally, she works with women who are already employed and are seeking a raise or change [...]


Finding Your Path to Power and Authentic Leadership

Join us for a webinar hosted by Tatiana Dudyez, where she'll help you unleash a new path to power as a high-achieving woman. She'll teach us how women can become even more authentically powerful leaders, in business & in life, from a place of unapologetic grace & truth. ​Tatiana Dudyez is a fiery businesswoman, passionate [...]
