Ditch The Downplay

Ditch The Downplay is a complimentary mini-course that encourages women to advocate for themselves and build a foundation for doing so in the workplace. Ericka Spradley is an experienced Consultant, Coach, Interview Trainer, former Hiring Manager, and Career Readiness Adjunct Professor, and currently offers long-term career guidance. In less than 30 min, you will learn [...]


Career Boost: How To SWOT Your Way To The Top

In this free online course, you'll leverage a SWOT Analysis to better understand what your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats are regarding your career. Ericka Spradley is an experienced Consultant, Coach, Interview Trainer, former Hiring Manager, and Career Readiness Adjunct Professor, and currently offers long-term career guidance. Managing your career as a business is necessary [...]


#RelationshipGoals: How To Cultivate Social Capital And Advance Your Career

For every 79 women promoted, 100 men are. It’s time for women to incorporate relationship goals, cultivate social capital and implement strategies in conjunction with others to advance their career. Ericka Spradley is an experienced Consultant, Coach, Interview Trainer, former Hiring Manager, and Career Readiness Adjunct Professor, and currently offers long-term career guidance. The one [...]


Speak Up! A Framework for Clarifying Your Message

Brown Rudnick 1 Financial Center, 18th Floor, Boston, United States

Join us and learn a powerful framework to effectively communicate your ideas, speak up, and lead and engage with the world around you with clarity, assertiveness, and kindness with Dolores Hirschmann. Dolores is an internationally recognized strategist & coach. She helps clients clarify their “idea worth sharing”, design their communication strategies, and implement business growth [...]

OfficeHours: Releasing Judgement & Assumptions

Does your judgment often miss the mark, leading to strained relations at work? If so, join DRIVEN’s October 18th webinar, when they’ll offer strategies to release judgment and embrace open-mindedness. We, humans, are judgmental by nature. We also jump to conclusions and make assumptions perpetually. And in the business world, we’re even quicker to judge, [...]


How Your Money Mindset Plays a Role on Your Income

Join us for this webinar with Liz Kitchell to unpack a few of the systemic results of enduring inequality and a stubborn gender pay gap, and to shift the way you think about money. Liz Kitchell is a coach and consultant who combines her decades of consultative sales training and coaching with 20 years of [...]
